We all need a little motivation on our journey to self-love. Here are my top self-love quotes for Instagram (and beyond).

Sometimes you wake up and feel so good about yourself. Nothing can bring you down or hold you back, you have truly woken up on the right side of the bed my friend.
But, if you’re anything like me, a lot of times you may find yourself waking up on the not-so-positive side of the bed. And these are the days when we need some empowering words to lift our spirits.
I’ve crafted these high-vibe quotes just for you. They are the perfect self-love quotes for Instagram posts if that’s where you like to stay motivated. Or they are great to write down somewhere you can see them & kick that bad, self-sabotaging mood to the curb!
This article is dedicated to my powerful and motivational self-love quotes for Instagram and beyond.
Self-Love Quotes for Instagram (and beyond)
All of the quotes below are my own and I hope they will help you on your journey to love yourself a little more.

I am not my pain. I am what I am, in spite of it.
For when the pain of heartbreak, grief, or shame is weighing you down, don’t let it hold you back.
Fear is irrelevant when you trust in your innate knowing.
Deep down, you know who you are and what you are capable of. Don’t let the lies become your truth.
Shame is a lying ass hoe. Stop letting it hold you back.
Fuck the shame. Seriously, shame is about fear and as you just read above, fear is irrelevant.
Self-love has nothing to do with your physicality but everything to do with your mentality.
What we think about ourselves, becomes our reality. Think positive, think love, think power.

I love myself because if I cannot love myself, I can never truly love anyone else.
Self-love, or the lack thereof, reflects your capacity to give and receive love.
Selflessness will kill you if you never give yourself the attention that you deserve.
If you are broken, empty and tired, how can you truly give to someone else? Self-love is not selfish. Take care of yourself first and then watch how that care naturally overflows to others.
I fill myself up with only kind thoughts, nourishing words, and positivity.
Give yourself a daily buffet of self-love and self-care.

The way you speak to yourself, about yourself, is as crucial to your health as the food you eat.
Speak only positive and encouraging truths to yourself, every day.
Untangle yourself from the storyline of your childhood. The narrative of your upbringing is not your truth, it’s a vehicle, delivering you to your true self.
You are not where you came from, you are where you’re going.
You are not defined by what happens to you. You are who you choose to be, every single day, no matter what good or bad may come at you.
The good and bad will continue to come, that is a fact. How you react to the lows is just as significant as how you enjoy the highs.
My pain does not define me.
You define yourself.

Use your pain to propel you forward, out of the darkness, into the light.
Pain is a sad certainty. Use it to move forward and let it go when it no longer serves you.
I am learning to remember who I was as a little girl. Before the tumultuous storyline of my parents became so deeply intertwined with my own.
Childhood is a formative stage but it’s not meant to last forever. Hold onto the good memories, forgive the bad and then let it go.
There is no wrong choice. There is only what you choose and what you don’t. Each decision will lead you to the next right step for YOU.
There are no rules, make a decision and trust yourself.
I love me. I love all of me. I love myself not because of what I can do. I love myself because I am me.
Let go of the titles that you think define you. Who are you without them? Love that person because that is your true self.
I have many more resources for you on your self-love journey. Read these for more words of wisdom and know that you are capable of radical self-love:
- 6 Transformative Self-Love Habits to Practice Now
- A Year of Being: A Simple Strategy I’m Taking to Level Up & Love Myself More
This is my one-year strategy to level up and love myself. Today is the day to accept yourself for who you are and never look back.

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